In industrial and service sectors, energy efficiency investments are often not implemented due to a combination of factors and barriers faced by the actor involved. Even for enterprises that are subject to mandatory audits, the recommendations are often not implemented due to those factors and barriers.
The IMPAWATT project has identified and addressed these barriers. For this purpose the project created a staff training and capacity building platform to enhance corporate policy towards energy efficiency, energy culture and sustainable supply-chain initiatives. Additionally, support was provided to companies by on-site workshops, energy checkups and audits and webinars.
The Impawatt platform has been tested in 6 countries, materials in 4 languages have been provided. In total 189 companies have tested and are still using the platform. The usefulness of the platform was evaluated by user surveys and assessment of energy efficiency improvements and energy savings and shifts towards more green company policies due to the platform usage. 1449 employees could increase their skills in energy efficiency, 0.5 Gigawatthours energy could be saved during the project leading to an investment of 0.8 million Euro. 10 Gigawatthours energy will be saved in future and 5 Gigawatthours will be produced by renewable energy installations leading to 11 million Euros invested in energy efficiency measures planned beyond the project lifetime.