Energy efficiency
Energy cost should not be considered as fix costs that cannot be changed. On average around 20 percent of these expenditures can be saved by investments that pay off in short term and by maintenance measures and behavioral changes. Impawatt gives you insight knowledge on energy efficiency measures tailored to your company and helps you evaluate their success once implemented.
For manufacturing companies as well as for retail and services energy efficiency becomes more important with rising energy prices after a period of low oil prices. Many companies especially SMEs mistakenly take energy cost as fix cost but in fact they can be reduced by 20 percent with simple efficiency improvements that often pay off in a few years. Increasing ecological lifestyle and awareness of customers and transparency in the web are additional drivers for energy efficient manufacturing and social responsibility. Thus, a well thought energy efficiency strategy can support businesses in becoming more profitable and competitive on the European and global market. Energy efficiency is not a luxury for big corporates but an important corporate value to be communicated within and outside the company. To help companies identify and decide on the most effective measures to increase energy efficiency in manufacturing processes and in the service and retail sector, the Impawatt portal informs and motivates for measures that are not sector or branch specific. Thus Impawatt focuses on cross-sectoral technologies and energy management measures. The following categories of measures will be described and for each category several specific energy efficiency measures exist:
Measurement & verification of energy savings
Optimisation of lighting systems
Optimisation of steam systems
Optimisation of industrial refrigeration and cooling systems
Optimisation of compressed air systems
Optimisation of pump systems
Optimisation of HVAC systems and industrial fans
Waste heat recovery systems on enterprise level
Insulation of industrial appliances
The measure descriptions contain detailed information, which can be used for developing training materials on different levels (for energy manager, for technical staff, for top management). Additionally, best practice examples of successfully implemented energy efficiency measures of all cross-sectoral technologies and of existing financial incentives in the partner countries will be collected and provided in the portal.